Review: Bragi – The Dash

For nearly six months now I’ve been using The Dash as my sole earbuds. Before that I used the headphones Apple delivered with whatever iPhone I owned and I was quite happy with it – so you can see, that I don’t care that much about audio quality. I’ve tried high-end headphones but for me it’s not worth the money, simply because I didn’t hear that big of a difference. YMMV. This applies to everything in the review – it is deliberately subjective and I can’t promise that you will have the same experience but I think I can give you a good overview. If you are an athelete or music enthusiast who wants to know if the Dash is worth it, I’ll probably disappoint you – since I’m neither I probably don’t value the things that are important for you very much.

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Log your played iTunes tracks

A few days ago I was looking for a way to log all tracks that I listen to in iTunes. Something like but that works local and for macOS. I did a quick search and couldn’t find anything (maybe there is something already). So I decided to built something simple on my own using AppleScript, which allows me to easily access the iTunes information I need.

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LaMetric Firmware 1.6.0 and local push

UPDATE (08.08.2016): Apparently you can get your api key at now.

With the LaMetric Time Firmware update 1.6.0 the API for local push notifications changed and my tutorial for the 1.5.0 firmware does’t work anymore. The new firmware offers the possibility to show notifications without installing an extra app.

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LaMetric & local push

UPDATE: This doesn’t work with firmware 1.6.0 – see updated article here: LaMetric Firmware 1.6.0 and local push

With the latest firmware upgrade (1.50) the LaMetric finally got support for local push – allowing you to sent messages to the LaMetric without needing an internet connection. Because some people in the support forums asked how to use local push I decided to write a tutorial (I do this on OS X).

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